A few minor adjustments – Mission #6 Atomic City guide
RadioKenny’s Atomic City Adventures guide has been updated with Mission #6. In this mission Agent Rodgers has to brave the Industrial Complex of Kyoto Industries in order to plant the override protocol in Kyoto’s systems so that the VSF can re-take control of the dangerous weapons. I quite enjoyed this mission which involves quite alot of fighting both air and ground units. As Kenny points out, it’s not a great idea just to go in with all guns blazing, I recommend taking each corner separately and disperse with the flying enemies first. Often you can start to fire on the enemy from a distance allowing you to damage a unit quite significantly before it sees you and starts to attack.
The AI antenna’s on this level are pretty easy to find. Kenny’s map will point you in the right direction for the contraband and weapons collectors! Take a look at the latest guide below and enjoy your gold score!