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Archive for January, 2011


GRL Games announces “Full Deck Solitaire” on the Mac App Store

Graeme Devine’s GRL Games has announced that its second game following Clandestiny has been published to the Mac Store. Full Deck Solitaire is just like your traditional Solitaire, but with a whole lot more – 22 different variations of Solitaire infact! This will be a perfect game for anyone who loves Solitaire on the Mac OS X platform. The game also sports a friendly UI and moving video backgrounds. Below is a screenshot and link to the App Store where the game can be downloaded for just $0.99. Read moreRead more


Bruce Shelley joins Zynga as consultant – also part of a keynote panel at D.I.C.E 2011

Just when you thought enough ex-Ensemblers have joined Zynga, a press release from the D.I.C.E Summit has revealed that Bruce Shelley is now acting as consultant for Zynga having recently finished a consulting role at UbiSoft studio, Blue Byte where he worked advising the team on the Settlers 7 game. It is currently not known what type of internal studio Bruce is working with at Zynga, however my guesses would be that he is working with Brian Reynolds on the FrontierVille game. Bruce had previously worked with Brian Reynolds at Microprose. Read moreRead more


Age of Empires Online – Egyptians revealed plus pricing model details

Alot of news has been floating around the internet today on various gaming websites such as IGN, Gamasutra and Joystiq reporting on the news that Microsoft has announced the Egyptians as a playable civilization in Age of Empires Online! This means that the Greeks and the Egyptians are the two civilisations announced so far for inclusion in Age of Empires Online. With this news comes a new trailer with a.. interesting ending plus a new graphic for AOE-O picturing the Greeks vs the Egyptians as below: Read moreRead more


“Rather large” Age of Empires Online announcement coming tonight!

Microsoft has announced on its Facebook and Twitter accounts that there is going to be a “rather large” announcement going out tonight about Age of Empires Online. Make sure you are in the loop about whats happening by following Age of Empires Online on Twitter and Facebook. The full facebook and twitter post reads as follows:

We’ll have a rather large announcement coming tonight! Keep your eyes peeled!


Slight ESO maintenance changes and downtime consultation

Just a quick note for all Age of Empires 3 players. Ryz0n the community manager at Microsoft who are now running the support for Ensemble Studios Online have announced the times for ESO maintenance is changing slightly. Previously On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, ESO underwent scheduled maintenance with Robot Entertainment. Going forward this maintenance will occur on Tuesdays between approximately 10AM PST (GMT -8) and 12PM PST.

There are some discussions about ways users can be better informed about this downtime. You can read about the downtime and the announcement plans over at Age Community:


Microsoft brings good tidings to 2011 with another wave of AOE-O beta invites

Good news if you are still in need of a beta invite for Age of Empires Online – CosyGOODkNIGHT on the Age of Empires Online forums has revealed that Microsoft plans to send out a new wave of invites over the next 24hrs. So keep an eye on your inbox’s you may strike lucky and get a chance to check out what your favorite Robot’s have been upto!


Clandestiny for Mac OSX goes on sale tomorrow!

Graeme Devine has revealed on Twitter that his first game under his new venture GRL Games will be going on sale tomorrow in the Mac App Store. Clandestiny is a puzzle game in the third person with a classic cartoon artstyle. Be on the look out for the game tomorrow, if you have a Mac be sure to try it out!


Robot Entertainment signs off from Age Community

January 3rd 2011 marks the day when Robot Entertainment officially retires from Age Community both the forum support and the support for ESO. Robot took over the support for Age Community and ESO shortly after Ensemble closed its doors In February 2009, the support in place at Robot was similar to the support offered at Ensemble. Microsoft has decided to take operations of Age 3 in house and will be lead by some of the same Community team behind Age of Empires Online plus a dedicated community administrator for Age Community. Read moreRead more
