Halo Wars soundtrack released!
Great news for Halo Wars music lovers! Stephen Rippy’s outstanding soundtrack can now be purchased on CD at:
Amazon.co.uk : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Halo-Wars-O-S-T-Various-Artists/dp/B001OB3R1I/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1233968056&sr=8-1
and for digital download here: https://www.sumthingdigital.com/index.aspx
Happy listening!
Download 2 Halo Wars tracks early!
Here is a great chance to hear some Halo Wars music composed by Stephen Rippy before the soundtrack is released on February 17th. Sumthing Digital has the preview tracks here:
Well worth taking a listen! It is shaping up to be a great soundtrack just like the Halo Wars game itself. Good job Stephen!
Enjoying the Halo Wars music? Soundtrack is out soon!
Stephen Rippy was head of Ensemble Studios Sound and Music department and worked on the Halo Wars Soundtrack. If you have had a chance to play the Halo Wars demo you would have no doubt heard the excellent work Stephen has created with the soundtrack. Hats off to him. If you have enjoyed listening to the Halo Wars music you will be pleased to hear that you can own the Soundtrack from February 17th. Pre-orders are being taken on Amazon now!
Amazon.co.uk : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Halo-Wars-O-S-T-Various-Artists/dp/B001OB3R1I/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1233968056&sr=8-1
Halo Wars on YouTube, Good job Ensemble.
NextGenReport have uploaded a series of Halo Wars videos on YouTube showing the Halo Wars tutorial and campaigns available in the demo coming February 5th. Here is a link to the videos:
The game looks outstanding and I look forward to playing it soon. It really looks like Ensemble will achieve their goal of bringing an RTS to the console successfully. The interface and tutorial make the game look very easy to get to grips with. I also note the outstanding sound and music. Stephen Rippy has really done a good job here and I already seem comments complementing the music on YouTube. The music during game play and cut scenes really makes the game feel like an epic RTS. This is Ensemble’s last game and it looks like they are going to go out with a bang.
Hats off to them.