Remember ES interviews Sandy Petersen on Cthulhu World Combat
Many Ensemble fans will remember the name Sandy Petersen from the famous Ask Sandy threads on the Age of Empires Heaven website. Sandy often took part in many forum Q&A discussions on the Age of Empires Heaven website and was certainly engaged with the community. Most notably the final Ask Sandy thread gave fans an insight onto the closure of Ensemble. Sandy is an Ensemble Studios veteran having been with the company since its early days and became the lead designer on the Rise of Rome expansion pack for Age of Empires. After the closure of Ensemble in 2009, Sandy went on to teach at the The Guildhall at SMU inspiring budding game designers. Read more

Kenny’s Word Chums review – there’s no going back!
When I was preparing this review for Word Chums, it hit me. Word Chums is like one of the following analogies, so pick the one that applies to you depending upon your age. It’s like you went from cassettes to CD’s or home phone landlines to a cell phone or dial-up internet to broadband. When I went from Words With Friends and other word games to Word Chums there was no going back. When I first installed Word Chums I immediately noticed some things that may seem trivial when you see them on a press release or someone tells you about them. But upon further inspection there are major changes to the genre of the game. And by major I mean they improve the experience by one hundred percent. The guys over at PeopleFun took what annoyed me about other word games and they fixed them. And some of them I didn’t even know that I disliked until I played Word Chums. Read more
Kenny Newell interviews Tony Goodman. Ensemble Studios, Robot Entertainment and PeopleFun founder
Fantastic news for all Ensemble fans. Our expert audio interviewer Kenny Newell has managed to bag an absolutely superb interview with Tony Goodman, founder of Ensemble Studios. Tony was kind enough to invite Kenny into his house to talk about Ensemble and his newest venture, PeopleFun over dinner. The hour long interview takes fans right through Tony’s video gaming career starting right at the beginning when Tony first formed Ensemble Studios with close friends and colleagues from Ensemble Corp. This interview is an absolute must listen for all Ensemble fans where for perhaps indeed the first time you can listen to Tony first hand explain how the Ensemble journey began and his motivations. There is great insight into life at Ensemble and how the Age games came together. The Ensemble Studios acquisition by Microsoft is also discussed at length. Read more
Kenny Newell goes on location to interview Justin Korthof at Robot Entertainment HQ!
Avid Age of Empires Online players and Robot forum-goers will no doubt recognise Kenny Newell often under the guise of “RadioKenny”. Usually Kenny is the man behind adding a touch of humour to the community with some golden humour classics such as:
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Final part of the Atomic City guide & map – “Enter the dragon”
After having battled our way through the futuristic cities and battled numerous enemies – from feisty damsels to menacing synthetic hornets, Pam has been through alot during the weeks investigating the case. Now she and the VSF are ready to launch their attack on the robotic AI controlled flying bikes. While this level is mostly about the final showdown between Pam and Kumiko it is important to explore the level as well for those looking to get the highest scores. As Kenny points out If you want extra points make sure that you kill the main villain last.
Completing this level will wrap up your time in Atomic City. Never fear though, Dusty has previously hinted at an additional two levels which we might see arriving in the form of DLC in the future. So stay tuned and we’ll see you again in Atomic City!
A few minor adjustments – Mission #6 Atomic City guide
RadioKenny’s Atomic City Adventures guide has been updated with Mission #6. In this mission Agent Rodgers has to brave the Industrial Complex of Kyoto Industries in order to plant the override protocol in Kyoto’s systems so that the VSF can re-take control of the dangerous weapons. I quite enjoyed this mission which involves quite alot of fighting both air and ground units. As Kenny points out, it’s not a great idea just to go in with all guns blazing, I recommend taking each corner separately and disperse with the flying enemies first. Often you can start to fire on the enemy from a distance allowing you to damage a unit quite significantly before it sees you and starts to attack.
The AI antenna’s on this level are pretty easy to find. Kenny’s map will point you in the right direction for the contraband and weapons collectors! Take a look at the latest guide below and enjoy your gold score!
Fuming! – Part 5 of the Atomic City Adventures Guide
After falling foul in the last mission Agent Pam Rodgers has alot on her mind on this mission. Pam isn’t one to let things slide, so she finds it difficult and distracting to return to policing the streets for vehicular crime. However, this mission provides the perfect time to gear up on contraband and weapons. Luckily we have RadioKenny once again to shed light on the location of all the goods! Check out part 5 of his Atomic City guide right here!
The city within – ACA guide part 4
The time has come for another installment of RadioKenny’s guide for Atomic City Adventures. Kenny has actually had these guides written for a while, I have just been slow at posting them up, so sorry about that, but I promise I am back on the regular blogosphere now so stay tuned for a whole bunch of updates on all your favourite ex Ensemble related games! Read more
If it looks like a rat.. – Part 3 of RadioKenny’s Atomic City guide
The time has come for the third mission guide for Atomic City Adventures. Courtesy of Kenny “RadioKenny” Newell, the third guide provides players with top tips on how to deal with the large swarm of enemies and deadly lasers. As always, each AI antenna, weapons and contraband is listed – so print out your copy of the map and get treasure hunting!
Part 2 of RadioKenny’s Atomic City Guide – The Missing Professor
Kenny “RadioKenny” Newell’s second guide for Atomic City Adventures is available online today. Once again we have a detailed map showing the locations of all the contraband and AI antennas there is also a top tip for getting one of the particularly difficult AI antennas in this level.
Check out the latest guide here:
Mission #2 – The Missing Professor
Enjoy the high scores!