Robot Entertainment at PAX (Part 2)
Following on from our first part of Robot’s PAX Panel review we now move on from looking at the studios history to present day to looking at some of the interesting prototypes they have been working on in-between OMD2 and OMDU. For the first time we get a glimpse at some of he games that could have been from the creative minds at Robot. Read more
Robot Entertainment at PAX (Part 1)
Some of the bots from Robot Entertainment have been hanging out at PAX Prime this weekend, hosting their very own PAX panel titled “An afternoon of fun with Robot Entertainment”. In our first part of our two part series we cover the first part of the panel which looks at Robot history including their time at Ensemble Studios and the games that lead up to Orcs Must Die! Unchained. For anyone who was in attendance there were plenty of free things being given out including a bag, poster, buttons, t-shirt, band and “Founders PAX” access to the Closed Beta. Read more
Robot Entertainment panel at PAX Prime
Some of the bots from Robot Entertainment are on route to PAX Prime in Seattle later this month. While there is no Robot booth this time around, a number of the bots will be hosting their own PAX Prime panel. The line up includes Patrick Hudson [CEO], Justin Korthof [Community Manager], Lance Hoke [Producer], Ian Fischer [Design Director], Chris Moffitt [Art Director]. Read more
Robot Fans want your top six questions for SixOkay
Robot Fans are running a community Q&A with Robot Entertainment’s Community Manager Justin “SixOkay” Korthof. This offers the perfect chance for the community to get their burning questions answered. The top 6 most demanded questions from the community will go forward to Robot Entertainment for review. If you have a question that you want to get off your chest why not add your question into the mix – it might get chosen!
Questions can be posted here:
Kenny Newell goes on location to interview Justin Korthof at Robot Entertainment HQ!
Avid Age of Empires Online players and Robot forum-goers will no doubt recognise Kenny Newell often under the guise of “RadioKenny”. Usually Kenny is the man behind adding a touch of humour to the community with some golden humour classics such as:
Click to enlarge Read more

Robot Entertainment reveals Orcs Must Die interactive video!
Robot Entertainment has managed to pull out the best video game trailer I have ever seen. The latest Orcs Must Die video showcases up to 30 possible avenues when completing a single level of Orcs Must Die. In order to demonstrate the huge number of gameplay possibilities Robot has leveraged the annotations feature of YouTube which allows viewers to click and choose a path of their choice. This path might be choosing between floor traps or fighting hand to hand you can now check out the interactive Orcs Must Die video to see just how the game performs with a path of your choice. Read more
Age of Empires Online beta draws to a close, plus new Orcs Must Die previews and wins for Robot at RTS-Guru
Updates today on two anticipated games coming out in the next few months thanks to the handy work of the bots at Robot Entertainment. Its been a long time since Ensemble closed in 2009 and in the coming months we are going to see the release of two major PC games developed by Robot which have been eagerly awaited since the studios original formation. First of all, Age of Empires Online is nearer completion as today Microsoft has announced that the beta period is closing on July 1st. After this period Microsoft and Gas Powered Games are pushing ahead trying to get the game ready for launch on August 16th. It’s been great fun playing the beta which has been supported by an excellent online community. A huge amount of progress has been made since the first closed beta build became available. Although, there were some things the community didn’t agree on, on the whole there have been improvements and adjustments made along the way thanks to community feedback. The team at Robot, Gas Powered and Microsoft have regularly engaged the community and took feedback seriously. Read more
Orcs Must Die video interviews from PAX
Now that PAX East 2011 draws to a close those who havnt been able to visit the Robot Entertainment booth to check out Orcs Must Die might be feeling slightly out of the loop. Well no worries! A bunch of gaming websites have started their preview coverage of Orcs Must Die and some of these included interviews with some of the bots of Robot Entertainment including Orcs Must Die lead producer, Chris Rippy and community manager, Justin Korthof.