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Posts tagged ‘Dusty Monk’


Windstorm Studios gets a new website design!

Dusty has been hard at work over at Windstorm Studios where he has launched a brand new website design for the futuristic video game studio. The new website highlights and provides alot more detail about Atomic City Adventures including background information and character bios. If you have played the game and are interested in reading a bit more about the world of Atomic City then checking out this new website should be your first port of call.

Dusty is looking for feedback about the new site design so feel free to head over to the Atomic City Adventures facebook page and be sure to let him know your thoughts. I think its quite a snazzy design! Read moreRead more


AOE-O patch detailed, Dusty interviewed and first Orcs Must Die video blog!

Ian Vogel the design lead at Microsoft of Age of Empires Online has announced an overview of the  upcoming patch to Age of Empires Online. This patch has been in great demand of the community and the pressure has been on to develop this patch quickly. There has been some dis-content with the Age Online community about how long this patch has taken to develop and how it has potentially impacted on player numbers. Age of Empires Online was pitched as an “evergreen” game with the possibility of regular updates, its been a shame that updates thus far havent been pushed out in speedy time. Hopefully in order to ensure community continuity patches will be smaller and faster to release rather than this first patch which appears to be pretty large. There is indeed alot coming in this patch, from gear changes to PvP and Crete. Also mentioned in Ian’s latest post is that the Persians will soon be on their way as a playable civilisation, they are currently on schedule for October, so look out for them soon!

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Kenny Newell reviews Atomic City Adventures – Case of the Black Dragon

Avid Age of Empires Online players will no doubt recognise Kenny as radiokenny on the AOE-O forums. You may remember Kenny as the person behind the genius Rogan Knight project which will soon be coming to a conclusion. The Rogan Knight project involved sending a figurine of a knight to Age fans all over the world and then have the knight posted to Robot Entertainment HQ for a group picture. You can follow the journey of Rogan Knight here: Rogan is currently in the hands of Kristin “BatsyBatsy” Reilly at Microsoft Studios where he is pending a photo shoot. It wont be long until Rogan‘s journey is over!

Today however, Kenny is here to share his thoughts about Windstorm Studios’ Atomic City Adventures which was released last week. Kenny is a big Ensemble Studios fan and as such has been quick to check out Atomic City Adventures, an independent game by sole employee, Dusty Monk. Check out Kenny’s thoughts on the new game below! Read moreRead more


About Windstorm Studios & Dusty Monk


With Atomic City adventures launching in under a week, Windstorm sole employee has taken to his company webpage to describe the journey taken so far to bring Atomic City to market. Dusty Monk had previously worked at Ensemble Studios since 2000 where he first worked on Age of Empires 2, The Conquerors. Before Ensemble Dusty worked at Midway on games like the incredibly popular Hydro Thunder. Read moreRead more


Atomic City Adventures launching August 15th – pre-order bonus available NOW!

It looks like this August is going to be a busy month for Ex Ensemble designed games. Not only is Age of Empires Online just around the corner, Dusty Monk at Windstorm Studios has just announced that his brand new game “Atomic City Adventures, The Case of the Black Dragon” is launching on August 15th. Thats right, just a day before AOEO! Soon players will be able to take to the skies in unique futuristic flying cars as they battle unscrupulous enemies in order to clean up the mess that Atomic City has become, a place filled with crime and corruption. Agent Pam Rodgers awaits your control come August 15th! Read moreRead more


New game play trailer for Atomic City Adventures

Things have been a little quiet over at Windstorm Studios lately. However, Dusty Monk has still been very busy working on his first Windstorm Studios title. Today a brand new game play trailer was announced. The trailer provides us with a good insight to how the game is shaping up, its game play, mechanics and feel. The trailer shows Agent Pam Rodgers  hoping on board a “Sorenburg Azure” which is one of the unique vehicles available to use in the game. Pam takes on some enemies with her Sorenburg’s own in built weaponry before taking an explosive trip down town. Read moreRead more


Windstorm Studios announces: Atomic City Adventures – the Case of the Black Dragon

In amongst all the excitement of E3 news today, a small studio in Texas also announces something we’ve been eagerly awaiting the past few days. Windstorm Studios after its four day preview now reveals to the world “Atomic City Adventures – the Case of the Black Dragon”! Not only do we have a title announcement we also have a trailer and a bunch of screenshots. So lets jump straight in and see what Windstorm has been working on the past few years. Lets start with the trailer reveal.. and get ready for some retro music! Read moreRead more


Windstorm Studios announcement coming in just 4 days!

If Age of Empires Online this August and Orcs Must Die! this Summer its not enough Ensemblite action for you then you’re in luck!  Windstorm Studios was also formed after Ensemble Studios’ closure. Unlike other studios Windstorm is almost certainly the smallest studio run by just one man – Dusty Monk. After over 2 years of hard development work Dusty will soon be in a position to announce his brand new game to the world in just four days time. A few months ago Remember ES and Dan Griliopoulos at PC Gamer managed to catch up with Dusty in Dallas to see how he was getting on we managed to see some exciting new screenshots and learn more about the games retro-futuristic science theme. With a mix of futuristic flying cars combining them with classic car models from the 1950’s, Windstorm’s project was certainly something very unique. Refresh your memory by checking out the PC Gamer article. Read moreRead more


Catching up with Dusty Monk at Windstorm Studios

On Wednesday Feburary 17th I got to meet up with Dusty Monk along with PC Gamer journalist Dan Griliopoulos to talk about whats happening with Dusty and his company Windstorm Studios. You may remember that back in April last year Dusty announced through Inc Gamers that the MMO prototype he was working on was being changed into a single player game after some problems getting a publisher on board for the MMO title. Here was what Dusty has to say to Inc Gamers in April last year: Read moreRead more


Windstorm pressing ahead with game development – updates to come soon

Windstorm Studios founded by Ensemble veteran Dusty Monk is still pressing ahead with the development of their title despite that fact that recently the company providing the game engine is closing down. Windstorm is using the Torque 3D engine which closed down as of November 11th 2010. However despite the closure of the company behind the game engine Windstorm is still pressing on as they still own all the code for the game developed thus far and are far enough through the development to continue with the game on the same engine. Read moreRead more
