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Mission #3 – If it looks like a rat..

Radiokenny’s Guide to:

Atomic City Adventures – The case of the Black Dragon.

Mission #3 – Guide with Map and pics

Here is the Third instalment of the guide and map for ACA. I’ve included a map that marks all of the locations of the Antennas, loot and mission points. You also get a bonus for never dying during the mission, therefore when in doubt flee and recharge your health.

Click to enlarge

This is the first time that you get a flying bike. Take a few minutes to get use to flying around and getting use to the controls. I adjusted my mouse sensitivity to be able to turn faster. You can also invert your mouse if you are more comfortable with it.

The map should make this mission much easier. Not many quirks to this mission. You just have to use fighting skills to fend off enemies. On the map I marked AI antenna locations blue, contraband/weapons red and major points for missions and fighting in orange.

The best advice I have for this mission is to engage a group of enemies and try to finish the fight. I found that when I flew around a lot it stirred up quite a few villains and before  I knew it 8 or 9 of them surrounded me. When you get to the last part of the compound you will encounter two big lasers. You cannot beat them. You will have to backtrack on a mission and destroy some buildings that control them. Circle and move as much as you can to avoid dying. Also, villains will flee in a couple of spots. If they make it to the back of the compound they will get away and you won’t get the bonus points

Good Luck and be careful out there.  Questions or comments?

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