BonusXP bringing Stranger Things 3: The Game to Switch!
BonusXP have recently announced their follow up to the hugely successful Stranger Things: The Game with the next game in the series, Stranger Things 3: The Game. BonusXP are once again working with Netflix on this iconic and extremely popular TV series which is returning to screens this Summer. This next game in the series is set to land on a number of new platforms and a first for BonusXP, now includes Nintendo Switch!
BonusXP launches ‘Stranger Things: The Game’
BonusXP have launched a brand new game earlier this week, and its a big one! We had hints from Bruce Shelley last month that BonusXP was working on a Zelda like game, but who knew it would turn out to be Stranger Things! That’s right, BonusXP has been working with Netflix to release a classic adventure game of the very popular TV series. The game feels and plays just like 1984 from the classic graphics, gameplay and best of all, no ads or microtransations – its 100% free! Read more