Remember ES interviews Sandy Petersen on Cthulhu World Combat
Many Ensemble fans will remember the name Sandy Petersen from the famous Ask Sandy threads on the Age of Empires Heaven website. Sandy often took part in many forum Q&A discussions on the Age of Empires Heaven website and was certainly engaged with the community. Most notably the final Ask Sandy thread gave fans an insight onto the closure of Ensemble. Sandy is an Ensemble Studios veteran having been with the company since its early days and became the lead designer on the Rise of Rome expansion pack for Age of Empires. After the closure of Ensemble in 2009, Sandy went on to teach at the The Guildhall at SMU inspiring budding game designers.
Sandy Petersen is now looking to begin work on a new project – Cthulhu World Combat. Cthulhu is a famous alien horror story written by H.P Lovecraft back in 1926. Sandy is excited about bringing this story to an iOS and Android video game.
“This is the first-ever game in which you actually PLAY the roles of Cthulhu and other alien and interdimensional gods of Lovecraft’s famous mythos”
– Sandy Petersen
Listen to the Remember ES interview!
Kenny Newell has conducted an awesome audio interview with Sandy himself to talk about the project in detail and some discussion about his role at Ensemble Studios. Be sure to tune in using the media player below to find out more about this interesting project.

Cthulhu World Combat – Kickstarter campaign
In order to help fund the project Sandy has started a Kickstarter campaign for the project that was recently highlighted as a “Staff pick” from the Kickstarter team themselves. $300,000 is required to get Cthulhu underway and there are many types of rewards for those who invest in the project. However investment doesnt stop there, Sandy has big plans for expanding the game should more funds be realised. Check out his master plan below:
Help Sandy reach his goal by supporting his project now on Kickstarter!
To find out more about the game just visit the games official website: