Halo Wars DLC 2 “Historic Battles” – Out NOW!
If you haven’t already, get yourself on Xbox Live via your console or online at
and download the brand new Map Pack DLC titled “Historic Battles” from Robot Entertainment. The map pack includes 2x 1v1 maps, a 2v2 and a 3v3 titled as follows:
- Blood River
- Barrens
- Memorial Basin
- Glacial Ravine
Each of these maps are excellent – trust me, ive played them! My personal favourite is Blood River. I think its the most “different” map of the pack. The distance between bases means you have to focus on spreading units out for defence.
Glacial Ravine is very similar to Frozen Valley in terms of the assets it uses but never fear! The huge mountains which split the map up leave a small gap in the middle making it difficult to use vehicles and large scale infantry. This is the map where we are going to see huge air battles. Its going to be interesting!
Memorial Basin is going to be an awesome map to show off the skills of infantry units with lots of cover and garrisons to store your Marines in.
Of course its not just maps included in the pack, theres also four new achievements:
• Tour Coming Through: Hot drop 50 squads to your Covenant Leader in a single game on Memorial Basin (30 points)
• Never Leave a Man Behind: Finish a game with 5000 net resources contributed to your teammates on Memorial Basin (15 points)
• Drain Cleaner: Kill 20 enemy squads with a continuous Covenant Leader Power on Memorial Basin (30 points)
• Killjoy: Disrupt 5 active Leader Powers in a single game on Blood River (25 points
My recommendation? Download immediately! The pack is well worth the 800 points and should keep you well entertained. See you on Xbox Live!!
Dont forget to discuss the DLC on the official forums!