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Posts tagged ‘Forgotten Empires’


Age of Empires IV announced, plus remasters of Age II and III

The legacy of Ensemble Studios continues as this week we learn that Microsoft has announced a brand new Age of Empires game – Age of Empires IV, a continuation of the main series unlike some of the other games released in recent times. Relic Entertainment are set to carry the torch as developers on this new game. The Sega owned studio is similar to Creative Assembly, another Sega studio who worked on Halo Wars 2. There is no release date set for Age 4 just yet, there is however, a very awesome new teaser trailer! Read moreRead more


Age of Empires 1 to get definitive edition re-release

Ah, now this is a blast from the past! Age of Empires 1, the very first Age of Empires game and first title shipped by Ensemble Studios is set to be re-released in HD (4K even) on PC later this year. This follows in similar HD re-releases of Age of Empires 2, Age of Mythology and Halo Wars. Essentially almost all of the Ensemble Studios catalog has recently been re-released. Certainly a testament to Ensemble’s outstanding legacy.

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