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Mission #4 – The city within

Radiokenny’s Guide to:

Atomic City Adventures – The case of the Black Dragon.

Mission #4 – The city within – Guide with Map

Here is the fourth installment of the guide and map for ACA. I’ve included a map that marks all of the locations of the Antennas, loot and mission points.

Click to enlarge

This mission you will probably find to be the most difficult so far. There are some heavy cruisers late in the level that are pretty strong.

The map should be very useful for a couple of reasons. #1 stuff is hidden very well in this  mission. #2 It seems that you cannot score a perfect score because two of the contraband chests are missing. I’m sure that this will be fixed in a patch fairly soon, but at the moment they are missing.  On the map I marked AI antenna locations blue, contraband/weapons red and major points for missions and fighting in orange. I didn’t mark every mission way-point because the level is very linear and constricted. This leads you right into the path of enemies and doesn’t give you much room to run.

Once you get to the end of the map, you will enter a building and learn more about the storyline. When you enter the room, usually the door closes and traps you in so that you have to hear some dialogue. I had the door stay open once and I ran back out of the room and it cause the game to trigger the next way-point. Stay in the room until the story continues if this happens to you.

Good Luck and be careful out there.  Questions or comments?

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