Coming soon from BonusXP – Monster Crew!
Hot on the heels of PeopleFun the latest mobile video game studio to form from Ex Ensemble talent is “BonusXP” formed by Dave Pottinger, John Evanson and Jason Sallenbach all of whom are Ex Ensembler’s. A little while ago they lifted the lid on their first soon to be launched mobile title “Monster Crew”. The game is a strategic platformer game featuring combat and RPG elements. The story resolves around the young “Frankie” a boy who enjoys playing his “Monster Crew” card game. After having collecting numerous cards his collection is unfortunately sold by accident after a yard / car boot sale. Keen to get his cards back Frankie sets out on a mission to recover them. Turns out his cards are held by a mad scientist in a creepy castle. After setting about trying to get his cards back Frankie accidentally presses a button in the castle which turns him into Frankenstine, and here the adventure begins!
BonusXP have put together an excellent trailer for the game which sums up the story and demonstrates some of the gameplay. Check it out below!
As can be seen the game features youthful gameplay suited to a wide audience. There is also a good element of strategy that would would expect from this Ex Ensemble minds. There is a comprehensive tech tree which allows players to spec up their character and purchase upgrades. The challenges that lay ahead may best be solved with certain combinations of the tech tree. Numerous enemies await players including full size battles bringing traditional console platform gaming onto mobile devices.
Speaking of mobile devices, Monster Crew is launching soon on iOS devices with support for Android coming down the road.
Episodic gameplay – Monster Crew will feature episodic gameplay which means the game will be released with various “episodes” which are unlockable overtime. These episodes are in no way short, with the first episode offering around 15 hours of gameplay, not to mention the re-playability options. The game will be free to play with the option of spending money in game on items.
Be on the look out for this brand new game in the App Store soon! We’ll update you as soon as its available!