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April 26, 2011

Don’t crossbow me, bro! Plus more AOE-O animations from Chazbot


Following up on the community Orcs One Liners where Robot Entertainment invited members of the community to send in their most interesting and humorous one liners as Orcs were sent to their demise has now come to a close. A whole bunch of entries were submitted and one entry was picked out above the rest. The winning entry of the competition is “Don’t crossbow me, bro!“. I think that’s a very good choice and will definitely be amusing to hear in game! Robot are also going to include some other submissions in game too. So if you submitted your one liner you’ll have to keep your ears open to see if it appears in the game!Robot are keen to keep the community content rolling – I wonder whats next for Orcs Must Die?

Meanwhile, why not take a look at Part 4 of Charles Tinney’s AOE-O animation blog? This time we have hippikons, camel riders and war elephants (one of my favourite in-game units!). Check out the latest blog right here:


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