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February 8, 2011


Rogan on route to Remember ES!

RadioKenny of the Age of Empires Online forums recently came  up with a genuis idea to send a small action figure around the world and at each stop members of the AOE-O community will sign their names into passport book before posting it off to the next fan. The action figure is a perfect testament to Age of Empires, a knight called Rogan. Here is Rogan at his first stop in Dallas, Texas with Radio Kenny:

From Dallas and back!

The knight will now travel all over the globe to fans worldwide. Each fan will take a photo of the knight before sending it off to the next person. This will continue until the game reaches gold status, then the knight will be sent to Robot Entertainment’s office for a celebratory group picture! Rogan’s first stop will be the United Kingdom, home to Remember ES. I’ll be posting an update as soon as Rogan arrives before sending on his way for further travels!

Robot Entertainment will be keeping track of Rogan’s progress on their Facebook page. If you would like to get involved or even just to congratulate Kenny on this genius idea head over to the thread on the AOE-O forums!


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