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October 26, 2010


Six questions with Chris Moffitt

Chris Moffitt, Remember ES’s partnered artist in the Robot art blog has taken some time to answer some burning questions! As a partnered artist Remember ES had the opportunity of asking Chris some questions about his Robot profile, AOE-O and projects out of work. I hope these Q&A’s give you a small insight into the life of the Robot Moffitt. Here goes with the Q&A!

Q1: The competition was tough and the art was varied. – What do you think of the art from your fellow Robots?

I love all of it. Each artist brought a unique style/process to the challenge and it’s really great to see what everyone came up with.

Q2: As a Character artist on the upcoming Age of Empires Online, what are your thoughts on the new character art styles? Do you have a favourite unit?

I was really excited about the art direction and it’s a lot of fun getting to work on some of the characters. I really like the exaggerated proportions and tone of the characters and I particularly enjoyed working on a lot of the animals in the world. My favorite would have to be the crocodile

The Crocodile in question  – peter pan anyone?

Q3: Your profile credits you for your awesome work on Halo Wars,  have you worked on any other Age games at Ensemble or is AOE-O your first?

Yes, AOE-O is my first Age game and I was really amazed at how much content goes into an Age game versus what we did on Halo Wars. There’s TONS more depth in an Age game.

Q4: Your Robot profile says that you have worked on a feature film – can you tell us what that is?

I worked on the film, The Ant Bully, primarily as a character modeler but also did some character rigging and texture work. It was a lot of fun and a great experience but my passion is definitely in game development.

Check out the Warner Bros website for The Ant Bully here:

Q5: Your nickname is “MuPPetman”  – is there an interesting story behind the name?

It’s not that interesting, really. 🙂 Growing up, I always had different nicknames and “muppet” was one of them. A few years ago, I started posting art on different forums and just went with “muPPEtman” as my online alias.

Q6: Looking forward to your next art blog, do you often have ideas and art ideas going on outside the office?

Yes, I have several art projects going on at home that I slowly work on. Having multiple things going keeps my creative juices flowing.

Thanks for answering the questions Chris! Looking forward to seeing more of your work appearing on your Robot blog at:

As part of Robot Entertainment’s art blog, swag is on route to all the community sites who took part in the community blog. As these packages start to arrive at various community websites be sure to keep an eye out for some chances to win swag! Once the box arrives here I shall be detailing ways in which you can win! Currently, I do not know what the box is going to contain so it will all remain a mystery for the moment. Now might be a good time to follow Remember_ES on Twitter to make sure you’re in the know as it happens.


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