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Archive for July 30th, 2009


Halo Wars leaderboards reset update – the stats aren’t coming back


After the major screw up on behalf of the Xbox Live team all the Halo Wars leaderboards and stats have been permanently lost. Leaderboards for single and multiplayer along with TrueSkill will not be restored and the game is back in Launch day stats.

Needless to say this is a shocking revelation that the systems running Xbox Live could lose such massive amounts of data and not be able to restore it in any timely fashion. One must note that the loss of data was in no way related to Robot Entertainment and they had no control over the loss of data. However, they have kindly put together an FAQ on the Halo Wars website which details the specifics of whats gone wrong and whats going to happen.

Major Nelson of the Xbox Live team has updated his blog as follows:


I wanted to make you aware of an unfortunate incident that has resulted in the loss of all data on the Halo Wars Xbox LIVE Leaderboards. This includes all singleplayer, multiplayer and Trueskill leaderboards, as well as all matchmaking data, resulting in the Halo Wars leaderboards being reset to original launch day status.

This was human error related to Xbox LIVE servers. It is not a broader service issue and will not impact other titles or Xbox LIVE experiences. The Xbox LIVE team is investigating the cause to prevent this from occurring in the future.

Thank you to Robot Entertainment for working with us through this issue and thank you to our Halo Wars community for your patience as we’ve sorted this out. On behalf of everyone at Xbox LIVE, I’d like to apologize for the incident and any frustration Halo Wars players have experienced in having their statistics disappear from the Leaderboards. You can rest assured that we’re putting processes in place to prevent this from happening in the future.

Concerned players should check out the lengthy FAQ page.
