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May 11, 2009

Robot Entertainment website goes live!


New Robot Website

Robot Entertainment has (finally) launched its website! The studio is responsible for Age of Empires and Halo Wars support along with developing thier own new game. Robot is headed up by Ex Ensemble Studios CEO Tony Goodman. 

The website has a news section and a detailed studio information section. Similar to the independent days of Ensemble Studios the website lists all staff members and thier role along with a pretty humours description of each! The brand is actually quite a wild change from the brand of Ensemble, Robot is young and youthful, despite having the talent of Ensemble Veterans.

Be sure to check out some pictures of the studio, the office looks very funky just take a look at some of these:


Its a meeting, not dinnerrobot_office_2

Some funky chairsrobot_office_3

Thats a rather fancy desk! What are you working on? A new game? :ORobot_office_5

Mr Pottinger demoing the new conference room features. Is that Jerome on an iPhone?! What is with the Ensemble vets and iPhones?!?

Want to work here? I can understand why you would, but you cant as Robot isnt hiring at the moment.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Robot Entertainment website here:

A list of Robot employees (bots) can be found on the website but also on the new “Robot Entertainment” page on this blog.


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