Halo Wars fan fiction from Graeme Devine
ES_Paragon has updated the Halo Wars forums with news about Graeme Devine’s Halo Wars fan fiction which can be found on his personal website. Graeme’s work was used to support the development of the game but did not make the final cut. Halo Wars fans should find this interesting as additional support for the Halo Wars story.
Check out Graeme’s Halo Wars website here: http://www.graemedevine.com/graemedevine/Spirit_of_Fire/Spirit_of_Fire.html
We also welcome Paragon for posting again!
Paragons post: http://www.halowars.com/forums/thread/481175.aspx
The Dallas Observer talks to Stephen Rippy
The Dallas Observer has done an excellent article on Stephen Rippy discussing his past and how he came to work for Ensemble Studios where he wrote music for all the “Age of” and Halo Wars games. The article continues right up until present day where Stephen is currently working with Bonfire Studios lead by his brother David Rippy.
You can read the article here: http://www.dallasobserver.com/2009-02-26/music/stephen-rippy-set-s-halo-wars-high-schore/2